Lawn Care

Top Lawn Care Strategies for a Healthy, Vibrant Lawn

Lawn care includes aeration, fertilizing, weed control, mowing and, in some cases, disease and pest control. Ideally, these services should be completed year round.

Watering is key, but brief watering can deprive roots of the opportunity to soak up deep moisture, which promotes stronger and more drought tolerant grass. Visit to learn more.

Lawn Care

Overseeding and mowing are essential for a lush lawn, as is raking fallen leaves to prevent them from suffocating the grass underneath. A soil test helps determine if your grass needs additional nutrients, too.

Watering is an essential part of lawn care, as it provides the hydration that grass needs to thrive. But it’s important to remember that watering isn’t the only service needed to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. In addition to proper hydration, a lawn also requires nutrition in the form of fertilisers. These are typically spread in the form of slow-release granules that can only be properly absorbed by the roots of the grass, and which can’t be activated until the soil is wet.

Aim to water your lawn on a weekly basis, but don’t overdo it! Overwatering is as bad for a lawn as under-watering, as excess moisture can lead to an unhealthy lawn. In fact, one of the biggest problems with overwatering is that the excess water can saturate the soil to such a degree that it actually drowns the grass roots. To prevent this, try using a screwdriver to test the soil’s moisture level after you water each time. Once you can’t stick the screwdriver easily into the soil, it’s time to stop watering!

Additionally, you should aim to water in the morning, as this will help reduce evaporation. It is also best to avoid watering the lawn at night, as this can encourage the growth of fungus and other unwanted organisms.

Keep in mind that if you have a shady lawn, it will require less frequent and deeper watering than a sunny lawn. Likewise, different grass species have different watering requirements. Choose a grass that’s best suited for your lawn, and follow its care instructions to get the most out of it.

When hiring a professional to perform lawn care services, ask them which specific treatments they recommend for your lawn. For example, some companies use insecticides to control insects, but these may damage the soil or kill beneficial organisms that help with plant health and nutrient absorption. In addition, certain pesticides can even harm your lawnmower and other yard equipment! Therefore, it’s generally a good idea to hire professionals who either limit their pesticide use or offer organic pest control services.


A lush, green lawn isn’t just beautiful; it can also add value to your home and make a great place for outdoor activities. However, a healthy lawn requires more than just watering and mowing to look its best. Fertilizing is an essential part of lawn care that replenishes the soil with nutrients and helps prevent weeds, insects and disease. Proper lawn fertilization is crucial for a vibrant and healthy landscape that’s perfect for picnicking, family gatherings or just relaxing.

Lawns need a variety of nutrients to grow lush and strong, but the most important ones are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, known as N-P-K. These macronutrients are found in fertilizer bags and indicated by their numerical values on the front of the bag. Nitrogen is the nutrient that makes grass green, while phosphorus and potassium help maintain soil health.

Fertilizing a lawn requires careful attention to timing and application, because too much can do more harm than good. A lawn that is over-fertilized can suffer from many issues, including brown or yellow patches, fertilizer burn and even dead grass. To avoid over-fertilizing your lawn, it’s important to work with a professional who understands how to properly apply lawn fertilizer.

Aside from ensuring that your lawn is full of healthy, vibrant grass, proper lawn fertilization can also benefit the environment by reducing nutrient runoff and pollution. When applied correctly, lawn fertilizer is absorbed by the soil and not washed away into lakes or streams, where it can cause harm to ecosystems.

Keeping your lawn fertilized is just one part of the lawn care process, and there are many other services that you should consider, like edging, mowing, weed control, pest control and watering. But, whether you do it yourself or enlist the help of a professional, proper lawn maintenance is key to making your property stand out.

The next time you plan a picnic, family gathering or game of croquet, be sure to have the lawn of your dreams by taking care of it with proper fertilization, watering and mowing. A healthy, well-cared for lawn not only adds beauty to your home but also provides a safe and comfortable space for guests and children to enjoy.

Weed Control

Weeds are more than just eyesores; they compete with your desirable plants for resources like sunlight, water, and nutrients. When weeds grow out of control, they can choke out grass and create thin patches or bare spots in your lawn. Additionally, some weeds can be invasive and serve as a host for diseases and pests. Professional weed control services can help you achieve and maintain a lush, beautiful lawn.

A weed control plan should be tailored to your unique landscape and specific needs. A trained weed specialist can recommend the right herbicide products and timing to control unwanted vegetation. A comprehensive approach to weed control also includes regular lawn care treatments and cultural practices that foster a dense, healthy turf that naturally suppresses weed growth.

Weed control treatments include pre-emergent herbicides that prevent weed seeds from germinating and post-emergent herbicides that kill existing weeds. The type of weed you have and its growth rate will determine which treatment is most effective. For instance, slow-growing annual weeds can be controlled with a pre-emergent product, while faster-growing perennial weeds require a post-emergent weed killer.

The time of year also determines when you should treat weeds. Weeds germinate and grow most rapidly in early spring, so timely intervention can nip them in the bud before they spread. This minimizes the need for costly and time-consuming weed removal efforts later in the year.

Fertilizer is an essential component of a weed control strategy because it thickens grass, making it more difficult for weeds to grow. A soil test should be conducted every few years to ensure that you’re using the correct fertilization level for your lawn. Additionally, soil aeration alleviates compaction and improves the ability of grass roots to absorb water and nutrients.

A weed-free lawn not only looks great, but it can also increase your property value. Buyers are wary of purchasing homes that have unsightly or untended gardens and lawns. A well-maintained, weed-free lawn can add as much as 10% to the value of your home.


Lawn care is the general upkeep of a home’s grassy areas to increase curb appeal and improve the value of the property. It includes mowing, edging, weed eating, applying fertilizer, watering and in some cases disease or pest control. While DIY lawn care can be very expensive and often requires the right equipment that most people don’t have, professional lawn care companies can provide high-quality work for a much cheaper price.

Standard lawn maintenance services like mowing, trimming bushes and weed whacking help many homeowners save time on a weekly basis and take the chore off their to-do list. However, the best lawn care companies go far beyond basic mowing and trimming.

Mowing your lawn on a regular basis is essential to a healthy yard. It keeps the yard looking sharp, helps reduce soil compaction and allows sturdier grass shoots to develop that can better withstand weather conditions and pest infestations. The direction that you cut your lawn is also important. Most people (lawn professionals included) just choose the easiest mowing direction, but it’s better to change up mowing directions every other time you mow.

Proper lawn treatment requires the proper amount of water, sunlight, and nutrients. The right balance of each will allow your grass to thrive and ward off common lawn problems like brown patch, summer patch, leaf spot, and many other diseases and insect infestations.

Proper fertilization is just as important as watering and mowing when it comes to a healthy lawn. A good lawn care company will create a comprehensive lawn care plan that takes into account the type of grass, location, and soil to determine how much fertilizer the yard needs. They’ll then use the correct fertilizer to keep your grass lush and vibrant. They’ll also use preventative fungicide treatments to keep your grass free from common lawn diseases.